The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national, non-profit organization of middle and high school students who are engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Since TSA was chartered in 1978, nearly 4,000,000 student members have participated through challenging competitions, leadership opportunities, and community service.
TSA provides rules and guidelines for nearly 80 middle and high school competitions held at the annual national TSA conference. Alabama conducts on average 42 of these events at their state conference. Students are challenged to use and improve their STEM skills in both team and individual events in such areas as: communications, design and engineering, environmental systems, transportation, and manufacturing/construction. All competitions are aligned with STEM standards, ten core leadership skills (communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, decision making, ethics, evaluation, organization, problem solving, self-esteem, and teamwork), and the 16 Career Clusters.
With over 5,000 members annually, Alabama TSA continues to show steady growth.

The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); members apply and integrate these concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs.
TSA provides opportunities for LEADERSHIP development and training. Through individual and group action, members develop the ability to plan, organize, and carry out worthy activities and projects together. Emphasis is placed on social development, civic consciousness, scholastic motivation, and community involvement.
TSA promotes TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION in the school, community, state, and nation. Members help technology education become ever more viable and effective as an integral part of the total education system.
TSA increases the KNOWLEDGE and broadens the understanding of its members. Members better understand the technical society in which we live by becoming aware and informed of new developments in technology.
TSA inspires students to RESPECT the dignity of technology in our society. Members learn to cooperate in order to obtain quality results in individual and chapter activities and projects.
TSA encourages scholastic MOTIVATION in its members. By providing opportunities to integrate and use the knowledge and skills of other educational disciplines, members become interested in learning.
TSA assists members in making informed and meaningful career CHOICES. Members receive career information and instruction pertaining to a broad range of occupations through general program activities and local guidance and counseling. Career awareness is accomplished through exploratory experiences in classrooms, laboratories, and observations in business and industry.

I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.
Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live.
I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.
I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals.
Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability.
I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.
“Learning to lead in a technical world.”